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Рейтинг@Mail.ru Rambler's Top100 Яндекс цитирования PR-CY.ru Settlers Zone


Skills in Resourcefulness improve your ability to gather the resources necessary for crafters and artisans. To gain active experience in these skills requires that you actually perform the skills by using tools that allow you to hunt or gather resources after combat. NOTE: Only one of the first 7 skills can be raised above 20 until level 20 then they all can via the Collection skill.

[edit] Base Skills

This skill requires that you have a bow and arrow and allows you to hunt in some zones. The higher your skill is the more likely you are to see something to shoot and that it will be rare.
This skill requires that you have a fishing pole and allows you to fish in all zones with visible water. The higher your skill is the more likely you are to catch something useful or rare.
This skill requires that you set traps in various zones and check on them occasionally. The higher your skill is the more likely you are to trap something and that it will be rare.
This skill requires that you have a wood cutting axe and allows you to harvest wood in suitable zones. The higher your skill is the more likely you are to harvest quality wood.
This skill requires that you have a mining hammer and allows you to harvest valuable ores from the rocks in the ground. The higher your skill the more likely you are to obtain high quality ores.
This skill requires that you have a spade and allows you to plant and harvest vegetables. The higher your skill the more likely you are to get a good harvest.
Foraging is a skill of finding useful and valuable plants and requires that you have the knowledge to properly identify those plants. The higher your skill the more likely you are to find a quality plant or anything at all.

[edit] Level 20 Skills

  • Collection
This skill allows you to get all other Resourcefulness skills above level 20 but only as high as your Collection skill.
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